Wednesday, December 27, 2006

End of the year

With the holidays heading to a close, I am thinking about how I will jumpstart my own weightloss effort. All the magazines - Reader's Digest, Health, LHJ - are writing about various diets. Kirstie lost 70+ on Jenny Craig. There are new surgical techniques, new obesity drugs. But when it comes right down to it, there is no one magic pill that will work for everyone. Each individual needs to assess her own issues and ways of dealing with things and decide how to best proceed.

For me, since I hate (despise, detest) exercise, I know a comprehensive exercise plan won't work. Never has, never will. But I can walk a treadmill, even if for only a few minutes a day. My friend
Patience has decided to set a weekly mileage goal for walking, and I think that might work for me. I always tried to walk three miles every day. But if I didn't feel like it, or for whatever reason couldn't do it, I felt like I failed everything! But maybe if I have a weekly goal, I can span my walking for the times I feel most like walking. (As long as I don't leave everything until Friday and have to walk 20 miles at a time!!)

Some things I can give up quite easily. Sweets like cakes or pie don't really tempt me too often. Now give me a chocolate candy bar, Snicker Bar, Reeses, and get outa my way!

One thing that will help me is water and lots of it. I have heard one man who lost 50 pounds or so doing nothing different in his diet except drinking water. He drank one 8-ounce of water before, during, and after each meal. I can probably do that, at least most of the time.

I will also weigh myself daily and keep a log and diet journal. That may help me to see realistically what I eat and when I eat.

Things I have determined not to do are diet pills and surgery. Diet pills make me feel ick, and surgery, well surgery is surgery! And when you get right down to it, surgery is not a quick, easy fix. It usually works and works quickly, but too often those I know who have had some type of gastric surgery have various side effects either from the surgery or from the drastic drop in nutrition, vitamin deficiency and the like (one woman even lost half her hair from vitamin A dificiency!) For the grossly obese, surgery may be the only option to jump start weight loss, but for me, I don't think so!

I'll be looking for strength! From my family, from my friends, from my blogger friends. When 2007 gets here, I'll be ready!


Elaniom said...

WOW! It sounds like we are both in the same boat drifting down the same river!! I enjoy your blog. It makes me feel less lonely!! ;)Good luck and God Bless!

OhTheJoys said...

After NEVER having been successful at dieting ever, I've been on weight watchers (points) for six months and lost 35 pounds. I was religious about it and didn't cheat and it really did come off. (I should admit that I didn't actually join, my neighbor did and she gave me their paperwork, which I read and then just followed myself. I bet they would HATE that.) Anyway, I also swam a mile 3-4 times a week.

Good luck with it!