Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Bubbles bursting all around me!

Yesterday I was very, very good! I didn't eat any of the donuts that were in the coffee bar. I ate my good healthy food that I brought from home, didn't eat any fattisnacks. When I got home I was determined to walk on my treadmill that has been collecting dust lately, figuring I could easily make 2 or 3 miles. Wellllll . . . after 30 minutes, I had only gone 1.26 miles. One of my legs was starting to get crampy (didn't stretch!) and the heater came on, so it was stifling (husband likes it very cozy in the house - had it set on 71!) But despite that I thought I had a better day than I have lately.

When I got on the scale this morning, I had lost a whopping - drumroll please - Zero. Nada. Zip. Crappola.


Grumpy Chair said...

I never stretched before or after. Then one day, this past fall, I did a yoga tape (never did it again)and walked a couple of hours later. I could not believe how much easier it was to walk faster with out feeling that tightness in my calves. I try to do some calf stretches before and after now.

Elaniom said...

Don't let yourself get down! Even if the scales don't show it yet, there will definitly be a change if you keep up the great regime you've started!! Good luck!!