Monday, February 05, 2007


My calendar says it's that time once again to schedule my Well Woman Exam. Yeehaw. Being the health-conscious woman I am, I call the scheduling center to make my appointment. Remembering what the doctor said last year about my weight, my first thought was [tum ta tum tum] "Oh No! I'm in Trouble!!"

I adore my doctor, who I have seen for the last 17 years. But I don't think he's gonna like me much this year! I'm pretty sure my weight hasn't changed enough to make him very happy to be sure! The good news is that I have until the first week in April to get it down to some reasonable level. Thank goodness for over-booked doctors!


Grumpy Chair said...

I haven't scheduled my woman's wellness appointment yet - due 3 years ago in July!!!

Maybe by April, the doc will notice your hard work.

Former Skinny Person said...

DO IT!!! Do it NOW!!!