Sunday, December 17, 2006

Impossible Challenge!

Thank goodness the holidays are nearly over! I've done okay maintaining a Zero Gain, Zero Loss, since Thanksgiving. This was all I really hoped to do . . . until January! Then it's serious time!!!


Grumpy Chair said...

My husband brought home a 48 ounce tin of fancy nuts (cashews, brazil, almonds and pecans) I have had a hefty handful since Thursday and can feel the water retention in my fingers . . . does it stop me . . . NO!

Good job on maintaining your weight through the holidays. I am currently up almost 2 pounds - Whaaaaa!!! Those stupid nuts!

Annieann77 said...

Good job on maintaining your weight over the holidays ! They say the chances of loosing weight over the holidays is 1 in 500!!! I am also hoping to just maintain my weight and anything beter is like icing on the cake ! he he

truebluesue said...

They (whoever "they" are) say that the average weight gain over the holidays is only 1, yes that's ONE, pound! I think that's crazy!! Nobody I knows gains that little! Most gain at least 5# - some more than that!